Are Protected Species Having An Impact On Your Business?

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Most of us value the various creatures which inhabit our country and understand the importance of preserving the diversity. However, at the same time protected species can cause upheaval for some businesses, hampering operations. Fortunately, there are ways of ensuring that such creatures are properly protected without so much disruption.


Newt fencing can be either temporary or permanent, but one of the major considerations is whether it will incur ongoing costs. The good news is that there are now forms of newt fencing which are not only robust and long-lasting but also vandal resistant, which can be a major consideration where the public have access to the area being fenced.
If you have badgers in your area, you may need to ensure they have access to setts as well as putting up fencing to control their movements. A well designed man-made badger sett should complement the surrounding environment, rather than standing out and it also needs to be fit for purpose. Sett entrances can be sculpted using local materials and the whole structure can be reinforced by galvanised steel to ensure it remains intact.


Obviously there are specific challenges when attempting to manage otters’ habitat. An otter holt must be experts constructed and will need to provide multiple entrances, insulation and security in order that it can be used. Sustainable materials will be used for construction and design has been refined so that optimal conditions for mating otters can now be created.


There are lots of considerations when it comes to bats. Bat boxes need to be suitable for year-round use and so must be made with varying levels of insulation – typically compressed wool – so that the bats can move around depending on the temperature. Again, it is best if renewable materials are used without glues or solvents which might affect the atmosphere inside. They also need to be weatherproof.
A bat box can be erected on its own or attached to a building. An environmental expert can advise as to the best position and means of installation.

In summary

If you do need to deal with protected species on your business’s property, it is important to realise that there are efficient, effective solutions for managing them. If you speak to industry experts, they will have a way of dealing with things because every situation has been seen a thousand times before and there a number of innovative products and techniques that can be put into action.

Alan Richmond was concerned when he realised he was responsible for preserving the habitat of badgers on his land, but he is delighted to have found a solution at Three Shires.

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